Every woman strives to always be attractive. The main guarantee of this is proper facial skin care, which is quite possible at home. We are talking about anti-aging and skin tightening procedures that can be done at home.
Causes of skin aging
The causes of aging are still not fully explained by science. But its manifestations are well studied. The main thing is a violation of tissue resistance to the metabolic processes that occur in it. In short, the cells of the body cannot restore their chemical balance after the reaction that takes place inside them, which is why they lose their function and cannot perform their tasks with the same efficiency. If we talk about the skin, then because of this it loses its tone, becomes too dry, and acquires wrinkles. There are additional factors that lead to more intense or premature aging of the epidermis:
- lack of skin care;
- poor nutrition;
- frequent stress on the skin (for example, being in the cold).
Although skin aging cannot be avoided in any case, it can be slowed down or its manifestations reduced with the help of care and preventive measures.
Skin care tips
Facial skin care at home to prevent epidermal tissue aging includes a wide set of measures. Let's talk about the main ones that every woman should take.
Makeup removal
Although modern cosmetics contain only components that are safe for the human body, they create a certain burden on the skin of the face. For example, foundation blocks the pores and does not allow him to breathe. Therefore, make-up should always be removed when returning home. To remove it, you should use the most neutral product or plain water (if possible).
Facial cleansing
Epidermal tissue is constantly renewed. The frequency of this process depends on the characteristics of the body and for different people the average is from 20 to 40 days. Dead skin cells slough off, but often don't fall off on their own and remain on the face. This causes two bad consequences. First, dead tissue blocks the pores and prevents the skin from breathing. Second, it can contribute to the development of pathogenic microflora. Therefore, your face should be cleaned regularly. The most effective and safe way to do this is to use a special scrub or pad. They exfoliate dead skin particles well without causing any harm.
Facial skin toning
As mentioned above, with age, epidermal cells become more and more difficult to restore the chemical balance disturbed during the metabolic process. Because of this, the skin loses its tone, which is caused by changes in its composition. This problem is solved by additional toning of the skin using special cosmetics. They are called tonics or toners.
The selection of tonic must be done taking into account the characteristics of your skin. For example, binding toner should not be used if it is too dry - this can only cause harm.
Moisturizes the skin
As they age, many women face dry skin problems caused by an imbalance in the chemical balance of the epidermis. This affects the appearance of the skin, and can also lead to adverse health consequences - for example, the appearance of microcracks.
Dry skin is overcome with the help of special cosmetics. Today, there are many serums on the market that fill the epidermal tissue with moisture.
There are also folk remedies for moisturizing, which involve the use of medicinal plants. For example, you can apply gauze soaked in chamomile decoction to your face, or make a mask from crushed agarwood leaves. This also helps to get rid of dryness.
Use sunscreen
Under the influence of ultraviolet rays contained in sunlight, the upper layer of the epidermis dies. This leads to drying and peeling of the skin. Bad processes also occur in the inner layer of the epidermal tissue - the hormone melanin is produced in the body in the sun's rays. Its excess can cause metabolic disorders in the skin and, as a result, deterioration of its appearance.
Therefore, when going out into the sun, the face and other parts of the body must be covered with sunscreen. It will not only prevent the bad effects of excessive tanning, but also moisturize the skin, which is also very important in summer. It is also recommended to wear a hat with a visor, which will prevent the sun's rays from reaching your face.
Frequent facial massage
The skin itself does not produce essential nutrients, but receives them through the blood. However, with age, the blood supply to the epidermis declines, and at the same time the condition of the skin and its appearance become worse.
This condition can be corrected by improving blood flow in the facial area. At home, the easiest way to do this is massage.
No complex massage techniques are required. You can simply move your palms over your face for 2-3 minutes, starting from your forehead area above the bridge of your nose.
This alone will cause significant blood flow to the epidermis and increase the amount of nutrients in the massaged area, which will lead to tightening of the facial skin.
This massage is recommended to be done at least once a day. It is better to do it at the end of the day, 1. 5-2 hours before bedtime.
Proper nutrition and drinking water
To maintain the chemical balance of your facial skin, you need to eat right. You should exclude foods that are too fatty and high in calories from your diet, don't eat a lot of salty and sweet foods, try to avoid fast food and processed foods.
It is also recommended to minimize the consumption of coffee and alcohol, because they affect capillary circulation, the first narrows blood vessels, the second expands. This has an adverse effect on epidermal capillaries.
The following products are considered beneficial for facial skin:
- fruits, vegetables and herbs;
- dairy product;
- large;
- bran bread;
- Fish and seafood;
- lean meat.
Food should be varied. For example, breakfast is porridge, lunch is lean meat with side dishes, and dinner is a fruit snack. The menu of each subsequent day should be different from the previous one (at least within a week). Among the main meals you need to make snacks, while reducing the portion of lunch, breakfast and dinner. In total, there should be 4-6 meals per day.
Drinking regime is also important for skin health. You need to drink 1-2 liters of water every day. This will help maintain the required level of moisture in the epidermis. You can not replace water with carbonated drinks, juice or compote. Here we are talking exclusively about clean drinking water. The only thing that can be used as an alternative is mineral water, preferably still or lightly carbonated.
It is advisable to drink from the moment you wake up and throughout the day in small portions when thirst arises. But after 19: 00 it is better to refrain from drinking water. The fact is that in the evening, when the body prepares for sleep, the metabolic process slows down and the use of moisture can cause micro-edema, which in the future can harm the condition and appearance of the facial skin.
Facial skin rejuvenation techniques
The most common facial skin rejuvenation techniques are:
- face up;
- exfoliate;
- microcurrent, darsonvalization and phototherapy;
- masks, patches and serums;
- ultrasonic cleaning, vacuum cleaning.
Let's look at each one in more detail.
Face up
The term comes from the English lift - to raise. The name reflects its essence - during the procedure, the skin tone increases, and it looks lifted.
Today, there are several types of lifting, but only two can be done at home.
RF lifted
This technique involves influencing the epidermis using radio waves, which trigger a natural regenerative process in the skin.
In this case, the skin is exposed to ultrasound. It is done at home using special manual tools.
Microcurrent, darsonvalization and phototherapy
Today, facial physiotherapy is available at home to improve skin conditions:
- Microcurrent.It involves the effect of current and low voltage on the epidermis. Improves skin tone.
- Darsonvalization.This procedure is similar to the previous one, but involves changing the frequency of the current and affecting a smaller area of the skin. Also improves skin tone.
- Phototherapy.Provides moderate exposure of the skin to ultraviolet and infrared light through a special mask. Normalizes the metabolic processes of the epidermis.
All three procedures are carried out using special devices. Microcurrent also requires a special conductive gel applied to the face.
Masks, patches and serums
The mask involves placing a nutritional composition on the face to supply the epidermal cells with the necessary substances for normal functioning. You can prepare it yourself. The composition depends on the goal of the procedure. So, a moisturizing mask will be different from a nourishing mask. The universal composition should include proteins, fats, vitamins and amino acids, so one of the most common recipes includes:
- 2 teaspoons of cottage cheese;
- 1 medium cucumber without skin;
- 1 teaspoon olive oil.
Keep the mask on your face for about an hour. If desired, you can substitute different compositions for different tasks.
Ready-made masks can be purchased at the store. You can just apply it on your face (sometimes you need to dilute it with water).
Patches are pieces of canvas soaked in nutrients. It works like a mask, but easier to use.
The serum is basically a mask concentrate. It is used on the face for a short time (5-15 minutes) and in a very small amount (depending on the specific product, usually 2-3 drops).
Ultrasonic cleaning, vacuum cleaning
This procedure is used to open pores clogged with oily secretions. As the name suggests, ultrasonic cleaning involves the use of ultrasound, while vacuum cleaning involves the use of negative pressure. Both versions of the procedure are carried out using special devices.
Facial peeling is a procedure to remove dead skin flakes from the facial area. The following types can be found at home:
- chemistry.A special composition is used on the face, which breaks down dead epidermal tissue. Then it is cleaned.
- mechanical.In this case, the cosmetologist performs the exfoliation manually using a special brush and grater.
- Ultrasonic.Ultrasound pulses are sent to the skin, which exfoliates dead skin.
Ultrasonic peeling is better - it's safe and effective.
Massage for facial skin rejuvenation
Facial self-massage is an effective procedure that can be done at home. He helps:
- increase blood flow in epidermal tissue;
- normalizes metabolic processes in the skin;
- improve skin tone.
The easiest option to massage your face yourself is a simple stroke, which should start from the forehead above the bridge of the nose. But this is not enough for a very good effect. To make the massage procedure as effective as possible, you need to use several techniques and replace them correctly.
Popular products and ingredients for facial skin rejuvenation
The following ingredients and plants are most often used for facial care and skin rejuvenation;
- Aloe Vera;
- retinol;
- vitamin C;
- hyaluronic acid;
- collagen;
- omega-3 fatty acids.
Let's talk about how it is useful.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera (and other types of plants) are mainly used to moisturize the skin, because it contains a lot of water and substances that help preserve it. In addition, they perfectly nourish the epidermis with amino acids, vitamins and tannins (aloin, resin), which improve skin tone. Another property of plants is the ability to kill pathogens. Aloe vera is often used in masks instead of or together with cucumber.
Retinol, or true vitamin A, plays an important role in redox processes and regulation of protein synthesis in the body. In fact, without it, the recovery of many tissues, including epidermal tissue, is impossible. And that means skin renewal. Retinol is used in creams and masks, and is also taken orally in courses - separately or as part of a multivitamin complex.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is responsible for healing and restoring the protective function of the skin, as well as its ability to withstand the effects of adverse microflora. Regular intake of the substance makes the epidermis more elastic, helping it to better withstand the harmful effects of the sun and retain moisture. Used in masks, creams or internally.
Hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid is one of the elements that make up skin cells. It participates in the metabolic processes of the epidermis and ensures the normal functioning of subcutaneous nerves and capillaries. With age, it is produced less and less, so the epidermis is supplied with substances from the outside - with the help of creams, patches and masks.
Collagen is the protein that forms the base of the dermis, the lower part of the skin that lies beneath the epidermis. With its deficiency, the structure of the dermis changes. This leads to laxity, skin discoloration and the appearance of wrinkles. The lack of collagen is compensated with the help of special cosmetics that contain it. Since protein promotes the absorption of other nutrients by the cells of the human body and its maintenance, cosmetics with it give good results.
Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are substances involved in protein synthesis, but the human body cannot synthesize them on its own. Without them, complete regeneration of the epidermis is impossible. To get a normal dose of omega-3 acids, you need to eat a balanced diet that includes fish. Or take it separately - orally or as part of a skin-healthy facial care product.
Recommendations and Cautions
The wrong approach to skin care, rejuvenation and anti-aging can be harmful. Here are some important rules and recommendations that, if followed, will help avoid bad consequences and harm to health.
How to avoid damage to your facial skin while taking care of it
Physiotherapy skin care massages and procedures should not be performed if you have:
- dermatological diseases;
- injuries (bruises, abrasions, cuts);
- facial neurological pathology;
- oncological diseases.
If discomfort occurs during the procedure, you should immediately stop the session. If discomfort persists, you should seek medical help.
Do not use excessive force during the procedure, such as massage or mechanical exfoliation. This can cause skin injury.
How to Choose Skin Care Products
Ideally, skin care products should be prescribed by a cosmetologist. If you cannot visit it, it is better to follow the recommendations of the cosmetic manufacturer. As a rule, he indicates on his products their purpose, intended skin type, as well as contraindications. You should pay special attention to the latter - this will help avoid problems in the future.
As for brands, you should focus on more or less proven and popular ones. If you buy "no name" cosmetics, you may be in trouble. At the very least, this will be the absence of the desired result from its use. Well, in the worst case, various bad consequences - for example, irritation.
If, after using a skin care product, redness, rash, or swelling appears, you should stop using it immediately. If these symptoms do not go away on their own after some time, you should seek medical help.
When to turn to professionals
Seeking professional cosmetology help would not be a bad idea. A qualified cosmetologist will perform any procedure better than people who do not have specialized knowledge and skills in the relevant medical field. Therefore, you should contact a professional whenever possible. Even if you don't have serious problems with your skin condition, the cosmetologist will choose the most effective skin care products and recommend suitable home measures that will help keep your facial skin young longer and slow down its aging.
With age, the condition of the facial skin worsens. You can fix it at home. Preventive measures (proper nutrition, cleansing, timely makeup removal), use of cosmetics and care products (masks, patches, serums), physiotherapeutic techniques (microcurrent), massage will help with this. None of the above can be called really effective. All these measures give the best results only in combination (for example, prevention + regular mask + massage).
With regular skin care with the right and smart selection of procedures, the condition will begin to improve within 3-4 weeks. It will be less dry, more elastic and attractive. At the same time, the general condition of the body will improve - after all, the rejuvenation of the epidermis is associated with proper nutrition, drinking water, taking vitamins and microelements. Your peace of mind will improve, not least because you will be satisfied with your appearance.